From the course: How to Write a B2B Marketing Plan
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Presenting marketing plan tips and tricks
From the course: How to Write a B2B Marketing Plan
Presenting marketing plan tips and tricks
- [Instructor] Having a solid marketing plan only accounts for 50% of your success. The other 50%, is in your delivery. How you present your plan to management and internal stakeholders. You have spent so much time and energy conceiving your B2B marketing plan. That's not for short on your presentation. You can do three things to prepare for the actual presentation. First, be you. We all have imposter syndrome. We may see someone's presentation style and try to imitate them. Trust me, I've done that many, many times. (laughing) But there's a difference between trying to be someone else and incorporating other people's styles and ideas into your communication style. For example, I often use fun GIFs in my presentations, but I initially borrowed that idea from several fun emails I received. Another example is I love how Jim Gaffigan tells sale-deprecating jokes. I love his Netflix shows. But I don't turn around…
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