From the course: How to Write a B2B Marketing Plan

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Presenting your B2B marketing plan: The closing

Presenting your B2B marketing plan: The closing

From the course: How to Write a B2B Marketing Plan

Presenting your B2B marketing plan: The closing

- [Presenter] The closing of your plan is as important as your opening and the middle. If your closing is done right, you can build momentum for the next meeting or receive the approval you need. There are five types of closing that you can choose from. Summary, help needed, seek decisions, next steps, and follow-up. You can mix and match these closing options. So let's take a look at each one. The summary. Here, you should reinforce the key points from the plan that you would like your audiences to remember. Focus on three to five points, like the campaign plans, budget, or key initiative that require the most funding. Call things out that you want to stick with your stakeholders. For example, launch an integrated campaign to support new vertical markets, or go big with a specific product launch, or pilot an Amazon product page. Then there's help needed. Once you create the plan, you may need help to bring it…
