From the course: InfraWorks 2021 Essential Training

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Create tunnels

Create tunnels

- Next we're going to create a tunnel in our model. Open the tunnel.sqlite model under Exercise Files, 7_Bridge_Design. Under Create to Structures, Tunnel. You'll notice only the component roads are highlighted. You need to choose a component road if you're going to add a tunnel. We can't use the planning roads. Just like bridges, we need a component road to insert a tunnel. I'm going to add one right here and I'll choose the length and width. So I'll zoom in. And I'll just drag a small tunnel right on this bend. Now if we look at this tunnel, you'll see it's above ground. So in order to make this a true tunnel we'll have to take the road profile and put it underground. So, I'll select the component road, open up my profile view, and start where we want to. I'll move the cross-section to about there, and what I'll do is I'll add a vertical curve at various places around my tunnel just so that we can put this…
