From the course: Introduction to IT Asset Management (ITAM)

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Demo: Managing IT assets with EasyVista Service Manager

Demo: Managing IT assets with EasyVista Service Manager

From the course: Introduction to IT Asset Management (ITAM)

Demo: Managing IT assets with EasyVista Service Manager

- Earlier I spoke about choosing the tools that you'll use, that you could go with the industry leaders, companies that you know, like ServiceNow, Atlassian and Avanti, or Gartner Forrester recommendations. Now every year, Gartner and Forrester sit down and ask major manufacturing software companies tons of questions, and they come up with this graphic that basically shows where they rank in all of their criteria. Now, just because it's highly recommended does not mean it's the best one for you. As we said earlier, there's a variety of conditions to take into place. So, let's take a look at a product called EasyVista. It's great for small to mid-size companies. Let's look at how it compares to our homemade version that we did in lists earlier. Ready? Let's take a look. Here we are inside of the EasyVista software. It's the EasyVista Service Manager. I do want to take a moment and thank EasyVista for giving me access to a demo environment with lots of cool data in it that we can play…
