From the course: Introduction to IT Asset Management (ITAM)

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Plan do check act

Plan do check act

- [Narrator] All right, let's take a look at PDCA or plan, do, check, act. I think it's a really important addition as you are preparing or executing for the ISO standardization. It's used to manage processes and systems. Plan is set objectives and plan how to achieve those results. Identify the problems, set your goals aimed at improvements. Implement and control the planned actions, implement of change, let's say on a test pilot. Monitor and measure the processes against your objectives. Examine whether the implementation change was in fact effective. Measure against your plan and act, take actions to improve this process. Decide whether proposed change is really needed and what to do next. A really great practical example of this is again, you say, "We need to do a Teams room. "Okay, what do you want for this room? "Do you want a 20 inch monitor, 40, 50? "Is this going to be a multi-cam setup? "How many people are in the room? "How often will it be used? "How many days a week will…
