From the course: Learning Industrial Automation

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Programmable logic controller (PLC) overview

Programmable logic controller (PLC) overview

From the course: Learning Industrial Automation

Programmable logic controller (PLC) overview

- [Instructor] Programmable logic controllers, PLC. PLC is an acronym for a programmable logic controller. PLC is an industrial computer control system, which control devices by continuously monitoring the state of input devices and make decision based on a logic program to control the state of an output device. Incoming control signal called an input. A signal going out of the PLC to control a field device is an output. PLC is a special form of microprocessor based controller that uses programmable memory to store instruction to control machines and processes, sense, receives and processes data from and to the field devices. PLC monitors discreet things. It has a high speed response. So usually they're using application where a high speed response is required like manufacturing processes, industrial application, and some traffic systems. Basically, any application that needs that regulation of an input and an output.
