From the course: Live Sound Engineering Techniques: On Tour with Rush

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Audio rigging: Trusses

Audio rigging: Trusses

This is a ten foot piece of what we call ten inch truss. We're going to eventually put them together so when we lift the PA up off of the floor and it goes up in the air we can make the cable runs go to the upstage where the amplifiers sit. And you don't block any seats with the cable drop that way. It basically takes the cable all the way upstage to give a nice clean look to the stage. It will be picked up by two half ton motors, one on the upstage, one on the downstage. These are our speaker cable runs. There's 14 different single runs of copper in here, more cooper, lower impedance cable lets you use longer cables to do the same job as the shorter cable while not losing the integrity of the audio.
