From the course: Mastering Presentations for Non-Native English Speakers

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Organizing your ideas

Organizing your ideas

- Organization is a fundamental part of giving a successful presentation. No matter what the purpose of your presentation is, it's important for the audience to be able to follow along, and understand how the information is connected. A disorganized presentation can cause confusion, and leave the audience to lose focus and miss the main message. So, once you've determined the goal of your presentation, it's time to organize your thoughts. A good first step is to make an outline of the most important points you want to cover in your presentation. If you have specific facts or examples that you know from the start that you want to include, write them down along with your outline. Then as you build your presentation, you can find appropriate places to include them. Once you've decided the main points you're going to cover, you can decide on the structure of the presentation. There are different ways to organize a presentation,…
