From the course: No-Code Web Design

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The power of three

The power of three

- People need choices. Wait, that's too many choices! How do we balance this so we can have enough choices for people, but we don't overwhelm them with options? You might remember the story of the three bears. It's full of threes throughout. The porridge was too hot, too cold, or just right. The beds were too hard, too soft, or just right. What is just right? The middle option. Warm porridge, a bed that gives a little, these are the options that people like to have. Now have a look at your pricing schemes on products that you offer. When you offer a single product, people feel like they don't have enough choice in what you do. But, if you offer thousands of possibilities, now they may feel like there's just too much work to figure out what's right for them. WebFlow does a nice job with their pricing. There are three choices under site plans, plus a fourth option to contact them if these three don't work.…
