From the course: No-Code Web Design

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Three free product strategies

Three free product strategies

From the course: No-Code Web Design

Three free product strategies

- If you've ever visited Costco on a busy Saturday, you'll notice that everywhere you look in the food section of the store someone is handing out free samples of products on the shelves. Some people eat everything in sight, whether or not they're interested in the product. But you'll notice many people who try a sample, then pick up the product and put it in their cart. Free samples drive business. While it's hard to give out free food samples online, there's plenty of other things to give away for free, E-books, digital photos, white papers, book excerpts, and coupon discounts are fairly common examples of this. While you can put up a link for people to simply download the thing, there's other ways you can leverage free products to generate more sales, an email list or boost your social media followers. First of all, consider a free download with an email subscription. This is an old technique. Subscribe to our email newsletter and we'll give you a goodie. Now we have your…
