From the course: Photography Foundations: Night and Low Light

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Adjusting exposure to preserve the mood

Adjusting exposure to preserve the mood

One of the reasons you might choose to shoot in low light is that low light creates a very particular mood. Dusk has a very particular feeling to it. At dusk though, you got to be careful, because the light changes very quickly and because your camera might work against you. For example, right now I'm liking this lower light. I am liking the dusky feel that it's giving me. I am getting this great bit where I have got the sun setting over there, and it's darker over here, and I want to take a shot of that. This is a pretty straightforward, easy picture to get. I put a wide-angle lens on. I am getting some nice drama both from these rocks and from the clouds. But when I look at the picture, I get this. It doesn't have the ambience that I am sitting here. It doesn't have that dusk vibe, because my camera has compensated for the low light. It's brightened everything up and made it look almost just like a normal full daytime picture. That's not what I was going for. So what I need to do…
