From the course: Photography Foundations: Night and Low Light

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After the show: lessons learned

After the show: lessons learned

The show is over. I'm packed up. I've got a card full of images that I really want to go home and look at. I've seen a lot of Theatresports shows, and it's really fun. If you're ever in San Francisco, you definitely want to check them out. You can find out more at I'm glad that I've seen a lot of theatresports shows because I didn't see much of this one tonight. Shooting a performance is a really concentration-intensive thing. You're trying to figure out where the best image is, you're doing your composition on the fly, you're thinking about exposure, you're trying to pay attention to a lot of things, you're trying not to disturb other people; it's not a great way to watch a performance. If you do need to go shoot your daughter's ballet performance, you might want to think about going to it more than once and going first without your camera so that you can actually watch it and enjoy it. Go back later and do your shooting, because shooting is going to take you out of the…
