From the course: Photography Foundations: Night and Low Light
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Intermission: reviewing the strategy
From the course: Photography Foundations: Night and Low Light
Intermission: reviewing the strategy
It's intermission. I've come backstage here to kind of review my strategy and set up for the second half of the show. I figured out while I was shooting what seems to be a good exposure strategy, finding myself a little frustrated by my position in the audience. There on the front row in the corner, I'm only getting certain angles. I can't shoot the stage square, which means that I'm getting people really tall in the frame and receding to really small as I'm using my wide-angle lenses. If I go to a more telephoto lens, I'm only getting certain sides of people and only certain angles. I was finding as people came over to my side of the stage, I was able to get a little differentiation. For the most part, I kind of feel like I was taking the same shot over and over. So for the second half of this show, I'm going to keep my exposure strategy the same, but I'm going to try and change my position. Because we got here early, I had the good fortune to get permission to block off a few seats…
Introduction2m 20s
Preparing for the shoot5m 25s
Act I: adjusting to the light3m 48s
Intermission: reviewing the strategy1m 53s
Act II: moving to the back of the house2m 35s
After the show: lessons learned1m 18s
Reviewing the performance images12m 45s