From the course: Photography Foundations: Night and Low Light

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Reviewing the performance images

Reviewing the performance images

Back here in my editing lair, I want to go over the images that I shot tonight, see if my exposure strategy worked, and see what I came up with here. One thing before you go into a post-production process: it's a good idea to have some idea of what you need to get out of it. Now, a lot of times if you're just wandering around taking pictures, you'd want to get good pictures out of it. And of course, I want to get good pictures out of this. But I also had some particular ideas about what I know they can use and what I need to deliver to them. They're looking for images that are going to work well in print and newspapers and things like that for promotional materials. They also told me that lately, with performance pictures, they're getting a lot of people who look sad. So, probably want to avoid those kinds of moments, or anything that could be construed as that. One thing that's a little tricky about improvise because there are no sets or costumes, it's difficult to tell what people…
