From the course: Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2022
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Inner joins - SQL Server Tutorial
From the course: Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2022
Inner joins
- [Narrator] The inner join is the most common table join type that you can make in SQL Server. It returns records that have matching data on both sides of the pair of tables. Let's take a look by first exploring the data that can be found in the person table and the person phone table by writing out two separate queries. From the person.person table, we'll pull out the business entity ID, first name and last name columns. And from the person.person phone table, we'll also grab the business entity ID and phone number columns. If I execute both of these queries at once, I'm going to get two different windows down here at the bottom. I can scroll through, here the first records correspond to the first query against the person table. We can see the first names of all the people there. Then if I scroll down on the window, I'll see the second instance of the results. And these are the results coming from the person phone…
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Table joins and relationships3m 42s
Inner joins8m 8s
Left, right, and full outer joins4m 37s
Cross joins4m 39s
Challenge: Return data from multiple tables1m 6s
Solution: Return data from multiple tables6m 12s
Solution: Join data in multiple tables4m 4s