From the course: Selling with Authenticity
A noble profession
From the course: Selling with Authenticity
A noble profession
(lively jazz piano music) - Everything that exists, the cameras that are shooting this course, the x-ray machines in a hospitals, the cars people drive, every physical product that exists, exists because somebody showed up and sold it. They were there to make money and to make a difference to their customers and that's the linchpin. - They keep that desire to help people and businesses at the front and center of their daily sales activities. And part of it is how you look at your own career and when you're proud to be a sales person you perform better and part of it is enabling yourself to authentically connect with your customers. - And so we're going to have a conversation about how do you open calls, how do you authentically handle obstacles, how do you negotiate? - And how do you deal with some quota anxiety? And navigate a life on commission. - 'Cause we want to show you how to be your best authentic self, be successful in sales, and enjoy your job. 'Cause it's a noble profession, this thing we call sales.