From the course: SPSS Statistics Essential Training

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Computing correlations

Computing correlations

- [Instructor] When you've taken a close look at each of your variables individually through the frequencies or descriptives or even the explore command, then you're ready to start looking at associations between variables. And the easiest way to do that is with correlations. Now, here in SPSS, I'm going to use the same dataset, the state trends that I've been using for the other examples, and I've come up to Analyze and then come down here to Correlate. And the first option is with confidence intervals. We're just going to use the regular one bivariate. And when we come to that, we choose the variables where we want to look at the association between them. I'm going to scroll down just a little bit and I'm going to grab the same big five factors for a personality on a state by state basis. I'm going to move those over to the side, and then I'm just going to hit OK right off the bat. And what we get is a table that has the…
