From the course: SPSS Statistics Essential Training

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Saving and running syntax files

Saving and running syntax files - SPSS Tutorial

From the course: SPSS Statistics Essential Training

Saving and running syntax files

- [Instructor] There's a saying in the programming world that point and click doesn't scale. And what that means is when you're working with your computer, if you have to click on the menu, and if you got to do the dialogs every time you want to do something, well, heaven forbid you want to do it again 'cause then you're going to have to go through the whole process over again. One of the great advantages of programming languages is the ability to save your work and to be able to do it all again simply by selecting and hitting Run. Well, even though SPSS is designed as a point and click graphical user interface, it also allows you to save written commands in syntax. That's a special scripting language for SPSS. The easiest way to work with syntax is to start with the commands, start with the dialogs, and then have it paste it to a syntax window, which allows you to use it over again. So for instance, let me show you how…
