From the course: Staying Organized While Working Remotely or On-Site

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Filing done right

Filing done right

- When you look around your workspace do you see things that don't have a place? The average person spends nearly 90 minutes a day looking for things and not just physical things. People are searching emails, their computers, the cloud you name it. Poor organization creeps into every part of your life at work. So as you can probably guess the benefits from getting organized can really stack up quickly. To help you get started organizing your workspace, I want to share a few things that you can do now to put organizing into practice. First, you'll want to create spaces for things to be filed or put away. Maybe you need to create files in a hanging drawer for important documents. A great strategy is to file like with like, and this means that things have something in common should go together. For example, two items that are related to the same project, file them together. This way, things will be much easier to find. Along the way you may find documents you no…
