From the course: Strengthening Your Inner IQ: Align Body and Mind for Optimal Results
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The I-IQ of peace as a gateway to creativity
From the course: Strengthening Your Inner IQ: Align Body and Mind for Optimal Results
The I-IQ of peace as a gateway to creativity
- So much that has been written with regards to leadership focuses on the mind, focuses on the thoughts. As we spoke of earlier, the problem with starting there is that if your mind is in a different space than your emotions are, now you've created this disconnect. And just like with any disconnect, with any fracture, that creates a weakness. Now there's all of this power in emotion, body, and spirit, and you can't access it. This is why we start first with the emotions. We learn how to fully experience what's there, how to let it flow through our bodies, how to breathe in a way that creates resilience, brings us back into a place of peace, and then how to anchor that by creating the form of peace there in the body. Now, now that we've created a peaceful emotional state, a peaceful body, now we bring the mind in. Now we have this agile and open mind. Now we can actually harness the power of the mind in connection with,…
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The I-IQ of peace as a gateway to creativity2m 3s
Optimizing the fuel of your creation2m 4s
Let’s create!1m 51s
Visualizing for your optimal I-IQ with intention1m 52s
Introduction to audio exercise1m 17s
Experience with clarity your new creation7m 30s