From the course: Succeeding in Web Development: Full Stack and Front End
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From the course: Succeeding in Web Development: Full Stack and Front End
- Developers are compensated in different ways beyond the traditional salary. So it's important to understand how compensation works, and how it is calculated for developers. When you're hired by a company you typically start with a certain base salary. That salary will grow an average of two to five percent or more per year. Now that raise might seem great, but you should also consider that the average rate of inflation is currently at 2%, which is historically low. It has been as high as 18%, so sometimes raises, if you get them at all, don't keep up with the cost of goods. When you look for a job you should look to make about 15% or more than what you're making at your current job. Now don't just ask about salary, but ask how much the compensation package is worth. Now that means taking into account how much the company pays for insurance, if there are stock options, bonuses, et cetera. Now developer jobs are so…