From the course: Succeeding in Web Development: Full Stack and Front End

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What education do I need?

What education do I need?

- Education can make a big difference in your career. There's four paths most people take to become web developers: instructor-led training, self-study, working on projects, and learning that only happens as a result or working with real clients. Instructor-led means learning from an instructor who follows a curriculum with exercises, lesson plans, and other tools. Now this type of learning typically happens at a school, in a bootcamp, or in a workshop or conference. This approach works great for someone with less experience who wants to be able to ask questions and work with others. Now almost 70% of all developers describe themselves as self-taught. So in a way no amount of instructor-led training is going to teach you everything you need to be successful. In this industry software changes so rapidly that it's not as important to learn specific skills, but rather learn the basics and then adjust quickly to new technologies.…
