From the course: Thriving @ Work: Leveraging the Connection between Well-Being and Productivity

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Investing in your relationships

Investing in your relationships

- How do you create value? How do you create engagement? It all occurs through a relationship. Google did a longevity study called the Aristotle study, in that they were basically looking at, how do you create high-performing teams? And there's some real simple things around building trust on the team, making sure the team was happy. And they would compare teams that were happy and had a trusting relationship with teams of experts in their fields, and they brought the greatest minds in to work together. And those teams that were happy actually outperformed the teams of experts, over and over and over again. So relationship becomes critical in terms of not only high-performing teams, but also creating trust and actually creating a certain level of longevity inside the organization. When people feel connected, they stay. And for most employers, training a new person becomes expensive. Losing a person that's key and valuable has all kinds of impact to the organization. And while that…
