From the course: Virtual Recruiting

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Reallocating resources to meet virtual recruiting needs

Reallocating resources to meet virtual recruiting needs

From the course: Virtual Recruiting

Reallocating resources to meet virtual recruiting needs

- As the workplace is shifting, so are our budgets. Monies used for travel, career fairs, marketing and relocating talent can be moved to effective virtual talent strategies that expand your reach and increase your competitive advantages. Organizations that embrace a virtual work culture don't incur as many hiring-related expenses. Flying candidates in for interviews, paying for hotels, the time used to coordinate schedules, and the time away from productivity are all factors in the processes hiring teams used in the past. Encourage your hiring teams to consider ways they can use the available funds to attract talent. Here are some idea recruiters can use to guide organizations to redirect recruiting budgets. Invest in a social media specialist to build a solid recruiting brand for your organization. A social media specialist understands the inner workings of online networking. The techniques go far beyond posting an ad on a…
