From the course: Windows 11: Administration
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Troubleshooting Windows 11 - Windows Tutorial
From the course: Windows 11: Administration
Troubleshooting Windows 11
- [Instructor] Now I'd like to talk about troubleshooting Windows 11. Typically in a troubleshooting situation, the first thing I do is look at the logs. So, off the Start menu, I'll type in "event," and I'm given the option for the Event Viewer app. I'll go ahead and click on that. This Event Viewer in Windows 11 is very similar to that in previous versions, and also very similar to the Event Viewer you would see on a Windows Server. On the left-hand side, we have the option for Windows Logs. I'll open that up. The three most common logs we look at are the Application log, the Security log, and the System log. So the Application log gives us information about the various desktop applications we are running. The Security log tells us about successful logins and failed logins, and also successful and failed use of certain accounts and security objects. And then third, we have the System log, which tells us about…
Troubleshooting Windows 113m 29s
Using Resource Monitor in Windows 115m 8s
Troubleshooting network problems3m 6s
Troubleshooting Group Policy3m 46s
Storage health monitoring1m 50s
Using the Optimize Drives tools2m 20s
Using the Task Manager4m 12s