Having just published Ipsos’ ‘Shifting Shoppers’ ESG Attitudes to Action’ paper (link below), I’m certainly tuned into related messaging when out and about - some great examples spotted*.
But not everyone’s getting it right! When it comes to ESG, it is not always clear to shoppers, manufacturers and retailers who is responsible for what, the steps that can/should be taken, and the incentives for so doing. And consumers are confused about which actions will have the biggest impact. Then there are the barriers and pain points, rather than rewards for ESG-related activities ... All of this results in a state of inertia among shoppers with regards to positive ESG behaviours, despite some segments of the population asserting the high importance of ESG.
Read 'Shifting Shoppers’ ESG Attitudes to Action' to learn more about:
- Your responsibilities – as a retailer/manufacturer, and shopper, in creating a better world for people and planet
- How Ipsos’ ‘Me – My World – The World’ framework can help your brand better align with shoppers’ needs
- How authenticity and relevant information can incentivise shoppers to change behaviours and shift from attitude to action.
And give me, our fab. authors/Shopper Insights/ESG experts - Danielle Doran and Stuart Wood, or your local Channel Performance contact, a shout if you’d like to know how Ipsos can help you drive those desired shopper ESG behaviours.
Would love to hear your take on who's getting it right! Are you?
*Shout out to Holland & Barrett (Georgina White, of course!), Selfridges, UNIQLO, Nobody's Child, KP Snacks, Sweet Lounge ®
Craig Bradley (C.A.) Brendan Light Neil Ellefsen Brad Christian
#ShopperInsights #ESG #BehaviourChange
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