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My two weeks at #COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, were invigorating and packed full of conversations about carbon markets and clean cooking. Here are some key takeaways: 🏆 9 years after Paris, Article 6.2 and 6.4 are live! Congratulations to the negotiators and everyone who did the patient work to make this happen 🎯 We need to focus on the new NDCs. By February, every country will submit new emission reduction targets for 2030. This is a critical opportunity to think strategically about national priorities and how to fund them. To raise ambition, carbon markets need to be part of the answer 🍳 Clean cooking must be a priority if we are to achieve SDG 7 – universal access to affordable, reliable, and modern energy – by 2030 👩🍳 But, the scale of the problem is huge. As market leader, BURN has distributed 5 million clean cookstoves since 2013. But with 1 billion people on the continent still cooking with wood & charcoal, that leaves 195 million more households to go 👨💼 Our government partners across Africa are preparing for Article 6, despite limited financial resources and small teams. In the next 6 months, we will see finalised carbon regulations in most of BURN’s markets, and more and more bilateral deals 📰 But, operationalising Article 6 is no joke. The level of reporting and paperwork required from host country governments will take commitment and extensive human resources 👍 Meanwhile, integrity initiatives across the carbon markets are crystalising. In 2025, all the work undertaken in the background will come to fruition with clearer, transparent guidance on what “good” looks like ❓ So, while the supply side is getting ready, we need to see greater demand for high-integrity carbon credits. Now is the moment for the world’s biggest polluters to commit to funding the energy transition, so that no one is left behind 📅 2030 is only 5 years away, so let’s get started! Meanwhile, COP29 was also a chance to take part in discussions on electric cooking, carbon integrity, and the future of carbon markets under Article 6. My thanks to IETA, International Energy Agency (IEA), SNV, Xpotential Mining Services, Global Carbon Council, World Liquid Gas Association, Perspectives Climate Group, and other partners for facilitating these conversations. And finally, thank you to my amazing team mates - especially Caroline Amollo, Tunde Ajisomo and Evelyne Kopar ! #CleanCooking #Article6 #SDG7 #CarbonMarkets #COP29
Worth attending
Good to see you there Molly, thanks for your takeaways - speak soon
Great takeaways.
Amazing!!!! Awesome job Molly!!!
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