This example is happening to kids all across the country. We have to be diligent and have discernment when we allow our children on any device. Let's spread awareness! Share with friends and family to help protect our kids! Check out The Digital Parenting Guidebook at or on Amazon for more information and guided steps to safeguard your children. #ProtectOurKids #DigitalSafety #CyberAwareness #ScreenTimeSavvy #OnlineRisks #ParentingInTheDigitalAge #DigitalParenting #ShareToCare #InternetSafetyForKids #TechSavvyParents #MonitorScreenTime #KidsAndTechnology #SpreadTheWord #DigitalDiscernment #SafeguardOurKids
Let's spread awareness! #DigitalParenting #DigitalSafety #ChristianParenting #TechSavvyParents