Prof. Rao's post is a good starting point for LLM practitioners to become familiar with classic (i.e., predating LLMs) AI concepts and theories, for two reasons: 📌 To understand that some things are theoretically beyond the reach of LLMs and not waste resources chasing them. 📌 To hedge against the possibility that LLMs may be replaced by other technologies and/or undergo fundamental technological revamps, which would render all existing investments in LLMs obsolete. #artificialintelligence #machinelearning #deeplearning
𝕎𝕙𝕪 #𝔸𝕀 𝕗𝕠𝕝𝕜𝕤 𝕟𝕖𝕖𝕕 𝕒 𝕓𝕣𝕠𝕒𝕕 𝕓𝕒𝕤𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠 𝕥𝕠 #𝔸𝕀 👉 As I go around giving talks/tutorials on the planning and reasoning abilities of LLMs, I am constantly surprised at the rather narrow ML-centric background of grad students/young researchers have about #AI. This seems to be especially the case with those who think LLMs are already doing planning and reasoning etc. Most of them don't seem to know much about the many topics that are taught in a broad-based Intro to #AI course--such as combinatorial search, logic, CSP, difference between inductive vs. deductive reasoning (aka learning vs. inference), soundness vs. completeness of inference/reasoning etc. I can understand why a strong background in ML and DL is sine qua non these days in using/applying the current #AI technology. That doesn't however mean that other things, that are typically not covered in ML courses, but are covered in Intro #AI courses, are expendable. If you don't know those concepts, you are more likely than not to re-invent crooked wheels (see this for examples of how people get tripped up: All this is particularly relevant for those busy building empirical scaffolds over LLMs (the "LLMs are Zero-shot <XXX>" variety). Most often, these young researchers are coming from NLP. At one point, NLP used to be NLU and students had quite a firm grasp of logic (e..g Montague Semantics!). But over the years, NLU became NLP which in turn has become Applied Machine Learning, and students don't quite have the background in logic/reasoning etc. Now that LLMs have basically "solved" the "processing" tasks--such as information extraction, format conversion etc., NLP folks are trying to turn to reasoning tasks--but often lack the necessary background. (See this unsolicited advice to NLP students: Background in the standard Intro AI topics like search/CSP/logic are useful even if you don't plan on directly using those techniques (e.g. because you want differentiable everything to make use of your SGD hammer). Like MDPs, they provide a normative basis for many deeper reasoning tasks AI systems would have to carry out when they broaden their scope beyond statistical learning. Without that background, you will likely try to pigeon hole everything into "in/out of distribution" framework, when what you need to think of is "in/out of deductive/knowledge closure; see ) One of the other things that you get exposed to in the standard Intro #AI is computational complexity of the various reasoning tasks. People who jumped in directly via applied ML might understand a bit of sample complexity (maybe?), but are not that attuned to reasoning complexity. (Contd. in the comment below)
Salient points backed by understanding, reasoning & planning aka perceptual acuity
Ecommerce Manager | AI Engineer |Data Analysis | Python | Digital Marketing