Brian Raines thoughtfully explains the continuing challenges faced by those of us who come to the profession from atypical circumstances. He also exemplifies the life-changing power of higher education. As we continue to grapple with the many challenges facing higher ed, it is essential to stay focused on stories like Brian's. I often wonder what the world would be like had we not spent most of human history excluding people from education and limiting their potential based on accidents of birth. While we will never know what we could have created, it is clear to me that destroying a system that in a very short time has created incredible intellectual capital, improved the human condition immensely, and overall made our world a better place is foolish. Yes, higher ed needs to be made better. We need to prioritize student success and support, we need to embrace meaningful intellectual diversity, we need to be better citizens of the spaces we occupy. However, there is no scenario in which those shortcomings warrant the wholesale destruction of the best system of education the world has ever known. Many of us on the inside know this and are fighting to protect one of our country's most valuable assets. Those of you on the outside need to join us in the fight. The world's most creative and successful economy was built on the foundation created by higher education. Destroy the foundation and the structure will crumble.
On a recent episode of Ozarks At Large, Brian Raines '98 shared his inspiring journey, highlighting a life-changing mentor who encouraged him to pursue higher education. His reflections on his time at Hendrix are truly heartwarming. Congratulations, Brian, on your new role as Dean of the Fulbright College at the University of Arkansas!
Fractional Head of People | People Operations & Talent Management Leader | Startup Consultant | Change & Performance Management | Employee Experience | Building People Infrastructure for Δ and Growth | Communication | 🚀
7moOooo thank you for sharing Michelle Kempskie! Love her new book on the right kind of failure and got a chance to be part of a book club where she shared some of her wisdom live so I can't wait to hear more here