Less than a month away until our inaugural Private Credit Forum - Texas 2024, taking place on November 19-20, 2024 in Austin, TX. With seats filling up quickly, now is the time to secure your spot - https://bit.ly/3UwDOj1
We are excited to feature our upcoming panel: Private Credit and the New Regime – Outlook for the Coming Decade
As we navigate a global economy marked by persistent inflation and rising interest rates, the investment landscape is rapidly evolving. The past decade's low-rate environment has led to significant growth in the private credit asset class, with investors seeking higher yields. Today, the value of private credit is more critical than ever. Join industry experts as they discuss the opportunities and strategies within private credit that can help investors navigate the challenges ahead.
Trevor A Jackson, Jr., Managing Director, Portfolio Advisory, Aksia
Matthew Fleming, Managing Director, Originations, Antares Capital LP
Richard Grissinger, Senior Managing Director, Centerbridge Partners, L.P.
Louay Mikdashi, Managing Director, Neuberger Berman
Nik Singhal, Group Head of Direct Lending, ORIX Corporation USA
Let’s come together to adapt to new economic realities and make informed investment decisions! Register now to attend - https://bit.ly/3UwDOj1
#privatecredit #privatecreditmarket #InstitutionalInvestors
1wOn the other side of the financial spectrum is a much more lucrative lending business, equally risky, but unglamorous, and shunned by most investors. It’s called payday lending. At its core, it fills a deep social need, but it can be reformed. A billion dollar company can provide real competition, and still be more lucrative than your run-of-the-mill private credit firm. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/juan-f-abito-jr-8634b573_payday-lending-good-or-evil-activity-7242302168387444736-2ns3?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios