Extended Data Fig. 2: Detectability and text quality comparison of distortionary SynthID-Text and Soft Red List, for additional temperatures and text lengths. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 2: Detectability and text quality comparison of distortionary SynthID-Text and Soft Red List, for additional temperatures and text lengths.

From: Scalable watermarking for identifying large language model outputs

Extended Data Fig. 2

Detectability is measured by true positive rate at a fixed false positive rate of 1% (TPR@FPR=1%), and text quality is measured by log perplexity. Texts are generated by Gemma 7B-IT. See Supplementary Information section D for details. Dashed lines correspond to a bootstrap estimate (500 resamples) of the mean TPR@FPR=1%, and the shaded regions correspond to the 90% confidence interval on the mean estimate.

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