AI Governance for Mobile AppSec
Whether you’re developing governance policies for artificial intelligence (AI) or you already have them figured out, NowSecure can show AI security, safety and compliance risk in mobile apps you build or authorize for use. NowSecure Platform tests the mobile apps your business builds and uses, identifying AI files, libraries and services (including shadow AI hidden in your supply chain) to enable the safe, responsible use of AI in mobile apps.
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Use Cases
- Identify the use of AI in the apps you build to ensure compliance with regulatory and customer requirements
- Protect your organization’s mobile app ecosystem from apps with unapproved AI in them
- Get visibility into the third-party libraries, SDKs and components that provide AI functionality or connectivity
- Spot hardcoded secrets like hardcoded AI API keys to avoid financial risks, data breaches, terms of service violations and potential DDoS attacks
Identify Mobile App Risk
Organizations, employees and customers have increased privacy concerns, including potential data breaches, unauthorized data collection and misuse of confidential information. Businesses also face legal and contractual risk from unauthorized AI usage. With NowSecure, you can establish guardrails and governance to track AI usage in your apps, including local files, third-party libraries, SDKs and connected AI endpoints.
Stay Compliant
Enterprise governance and local regulations around AI are still a work in progress but it is clear that disclosure for the use of AI in an app is table stakes. Consequences range from fines and penalties and losing app store placement, to the complete closure of business lines that violate these rules. Development and security teams need to ensure that they can attest to their mobile app’s use of AI for compliance and procurement requirements.
Uncover Shadow AI Hidden in the Supply Chain
Shadow AI refers to AI integrations that come from third-party apps or app components that your development teams have little control over. Between 50% and 70% of apps are composed of third-party components like SDKs. These third-party libraries and files may contain or connect to AI models without the development or security team’s awareness. Businesses can face legal action, even if unauthorized AI use stems from a third-party component.
Guard Against Vulnerable AI-Generated Code
Generative AI helps teams build mobile apps faster, but it also increases the occurrence of security vulnerabilities, with over 40% more bugs in AI-generated code. It is critical that teams not only statically test their mobile apps for issues, but also test them at runtime and in different network conditions in order to identify issues AI-generated code may have introduced. NowSecure Platform automates both in order to help organizations not only know what AI is being used in their app, but also discover what security, privacy and compliance issues may have been introduced by generative AI.
Protect Your IP
Using AI models without proper licensing can result in intellectual property (IP) violations, leading to lawsuits or penalties. Evidence of proprietary or licensed AI models/files being used correctly helps developers protect their intellectual property and avoid unauthorized use, ensuring compliance with licensing agreements and preventing IP theft.