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Fancy RibbonAccessoires BarbieBarbie Sewing PatternsBarbie Clothes PatternsDoll Dress PatternsBarbie PatternsBarbie DiyDoll TutorialSewing DollsLet's Make a Blythe Corset (part 3)Once you have turned your corset inside out, tack(baste) all around the edges, so that it's all nice and flat. Give it a decent press. Mark where you want your eyelets to go with a pacer style pencil, and then using an awl, (or perhaps a metal kitchen skewer might work) make holes where your pencil marks are. Push your eyelets onto the awl and carefully work it down into the hole and then take the awl out. This bit is a little fiddly to start, but you'll get there. Use eyelet tools to fix…1.4k
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