Geranium MagnificumPlanting Under TreesEvergreen GroundcoverPlants Under TreesHardy GeraniumPanicle HydrangeaHydrangea BloomBlack ThumbLenten RoseThese Low-Maintenance Plants Make Gardening So Easy, Even Your Black Thumb Can Handle ItHere are the best plants to grow if you don't want to fuss with them!261
Geranium MagnificumPlant CompanionsAlchemilla MollisHerbaceous BorderPerennial BorderPlanting PlanBorder PlantsPlant CombinationsShade PlantsAlchemilla mollis with Geranium magnificum - Dorset Perennials744
Geranium MagnificumGeranium PurpleGeraniums RedHardy GeraniumHerbaceous BorderPurple GardenClay SoilGarden WindowsPerennial GardenGeranium magnificum230
Digging DogsShade Loving PerennialsHardy GeraniumDog NurseryDeer Resistant PlantsHardy PerennialsWoodland GardenOrnamental GrassesGarden SoilGeranium magnificum ‘Rosemoor’ at Digging Dog NurseryGeranium magnificum ‘Rosemoor’ at Digging Dog Mail Order Nursery. A selected form of its sterile relation, G.10
Hardy GeraniumGeraniumsFlower BedsHerbsPurplePlantsFlowersNatureHardy GeraniumGeranium Magnificum 'Rosemoor'12
Outdoor InspirationsShade PlantsShade GardenGeraniumsLushMy FlowerCottage GardenBlue FlowersPerennialsOutdoor Inspirations47
Geranium MagnificumPurple Ground CoverBlue GeraniumGeranium RozanneCranesbill GeraniumHardy GeraniumSun PerennialsRed GeraniumsPlant DiseasesGeranium x magnificum (Purple Cranesbill)Award-winning Geranium x magnificum, or Purple Cranesbill, is a stunning addition to the garden. Its large, saucer-shaped flowers in rich violet-blue with prominent veining create a magnificent sight in early to mid-summer.25
Backyard PlantingGeranium MacrorrhizumHerbaceous PerennialsGeraniumsGarden InspirationPlantingPerennialsFront YardYardGeranium macrorrhizum &s;Czakor&s; | cranesbill &s;Czakor&s; Herbaceous Perennial/RHSGeranium 'Czakor'18
Geranium PratenseGeranium SanguineumGeranium RozannePlanting CombinationsCranesbill GeraniumHardy GeraniumFragrant GardenHerbaceous BorderGarden TypesGreat Hardy Geraniums for Rock GardensThe best hardy geranium species and cultivars for rock gardens are those which require sharp drainage and gritty, rocky, or sandy soil. If you are looking for a beautiful, low-maintenance,8
Rosa GlaucaJapanese BarberryLate Summer FlowersHardy GeraniumBlue PlantsTypes Of RosesShrub RosesHerbaceous PerennialsSun And WaterPurple and Blue Plant Combo with Allium, Geranium, and Rosa glaucaPurple and Blue Plant Combo with Allium, Geranium, and Rosa glauca9