Body positive

Welcome to the "Body Positive" board, a space dedicated to celebrating body diversity, self-love, and acceptance! Here, you'll find inspiration, tips, and empowering content to help embrace your body at every size, shape, and stage. Whether you're on a self-love journey, practicing body neutrality, or just need a boost of positivity, this board is for you. Let’s challenge beauty standards, uplift one another, and promote confidence from within!
475 Pins
carbs are essential
Don’t deprive yourself of important nutrients—carbs are necessary for your overall health and well-being.
dont eliminate food groups
Health is about balance, not restriction. Quit the low-carb diet and embrace variety.
chronic dieting
Detox diets fix problems that didn't exist. Ditch the diet. You don't need them.
your liver detoxs
Your liver is the real detox. Your juice cleanse is diet culture.
your body is a good place to live
your body is a beautiful place to live. Don't measure the worth of your body based on the standards of other people.
dieting is about control
dieting is not about health. dieting is about having control. Ditch the diet.
non shrinking new years resolutions
Focus on expanding your experiences and joy rather than trying to shrink your body.
body kindness
Instead of setting goals to change your appearance, resolve to treat yourself with kindness and compassion.
my body is not a project
It’s time to stop treating your body like something that needs fixing and start finding peace with it.
no weight loss goals
Be thankful for the body you have and stop setting goals to change it.
value isn't tied to weight
You are valuable and worthy just as you are, without needing to change your size or shape.
clean eating is a myth
re you tired of the endless cycle of diet fads and detox myths? The best cleanse you can do starts in your mind. Many of us have been conditioned to believe that we need to “cleanse” our bodies through extreme diets, but the truth is, your body is already equipped to handle toxins on its own.
no one chooses and ed
Your eating disorder is not your fault. No one chooses to have an ED.
new year same me
You don’t need to reinvent yourself every year. You are already enough just as you are.