welcome to mikka.kera! with this template you can create a beautiful dog bowl for your home in no time! after you purchase this item you will receive a PDF with detailed instructions and template files. You will have to print out 2 pages, cut out the shapes and then you can start creating! this template is beginner-friendly with very detailed instructions + photos, you can also check out the videos on our social media to see the content of the whole making process. And if you have any questions my message box is always open! templates are made on A4 / standard US paper if you decide to share your creation on social media, please tag us @mikka.kera, I'd love to see how it turned out! IMPORTANT: This is NOT a physical product and will NOT be shipped to your address. This is an instant download. You will get the files instantly after your purchase. If you have any questions, feel free to message me anytime :) Once payment is cleared, Etsy will notify you that your downloads are available. If you have any questions about the download process, please visit Etsy's help center https://www.etsy.com/help/article/3949 COPYRIGHT Buying a template does not entitle the buyer to reproduce or redistribute it in any way. All files are for personal use only.