Our 2018-19 season marked Pull-Tight’s 50th year of providing live entertainment to Franklin and Williamson County, Tennessee.
One of the ways we marked this milestone was the creation of a documentary by filmmaker Tom Gregg, 50 Years a Treasure.
Oral history interviews were also recorded of several of our founding or long-time members. To order a DVD of the documentary and 28 oral history interviews, email Iain Macpherson.
We began our 50th season with an open house at the theatre on July 29, 2018. There was food and drink, entertainment by the cast of the current show, South Pacific, slideshows from our scrapbook archives, a trivia game, and three showings of our documentary. View photos from the open house.
The Tennessean featured our 50th anniversary in an article.
We ended the season with a gala banquet on June 29, 2019.