
Starting September 1, 2021, classic Sites will not be viewable by others. Learn how to convert to new Sites today.

Keyboard shortcuts for Google Sites

You can use keyboard shortcuts to save time on tasks.

Page, section, and menu shortcuts

Action Shortcut
Open shortcut menu

⌘ + / or Ctrl + /

Open the context menu of any particular page, section, title, or embed section

Windows/Chrome OS: 
Ctrl + Shift + \
Mac: ⌘ + Shift + \

Select a section Enter key or spacebar
Resize the embed Alt Right or Left arrow keys
Navigate between elements Tab or Shift Tab
Navigate the options inside a menu Arrow keys
Grab a page, section, or embed Enter
Release a page, section, or embed Esc
Move the section or embed Arrow key after grabbing the section or embed
Nest the page After the page is grabbed, use Right arrow key
Unnest the page

After the page is grabbed, use Left arrow key

Move focus to next or previous page Up or Down arrow keys
Expand or collapse children 

Left or Right arrow keys

Interact with elements in the focused page Tab
Grab or drop page

Space bar (arrow keys to move)

Focus first page Home
Focus last page


Expand all pages


Editing shortcuts

Use these keyboard shortcuts while editing a page.
Action Shortcut
Bold Ctrl b
Italic Ctrl + i
Clear formatting Crtl + \
Strikethrough Windows/Chrome OS:
Alt + Shift + 5
Mac: ⌘ + Shift + X
Align left Ctrl Shift + l
Align center Ctrl Shift e
Align right Ctrl Shift + r
Numbered list Ctrl Shift 7
Bulleted list Ctrl Shift 8
Insert link Ctrl + k
Move item up, down, left, or right Up, Down, Left, or Right
Move item in or out of a group Shift + Left or Right
Reorder items in a group Up or Down
Apply Normal Text Ctrl Alt 0
Apply Title Ctrl Alt 1
Apply Heading

Ctrl Alt 2

Apply Subheading Ctrl Alt + 3
Apply code font to text Ctrl + Alt + 7 or ⌘ + Opt + 7

Classic Google Sites

Tip: This section is for classic Google Sites. Get help with new Google Sites.

Keyboard shortcuts for classic Google Sites

Navigation shortcuts

You can use these keyboard shortcuts to move around Google Sites.

Action Shortcut
Open shortcut help ⌘ + / or Ctrl + /
Open shortcut help ?
Search /
More actions m
Create page c
Toggle site subscription Shift + f
Manage site g, then m
Share site Shift + s
Edit page e
Edit site layout Shift + L
Revision history g, then r
Toggle page subscription f
Page settings u
Print page

⌘ + p
Ctrl + p

Copy page Shift + c
Preview page as viewer g, then p
Change page template Shift + t
Move page Shift + m
Delete page Shift + 3


Editing shortcuts

You can use these keyboard shortcuts while editing a page.

Action Shortcut
Open shortcut help ⌘ + /
Ctrl + /
Remove formatting ⌘ + \
Ctrl + \
Undo ⌘ + z
Ctrl + z
Redo ⌘ + y
Ctrl + y
Add or remove link ⌘ + k
Ctrl + k
Save page ⌘ + s
Ctrl + s
Cancel Esc

Windows/Chrome OS: 
Alt + Shift + 5
Mac: Opt + Shift + 5

Superscript ⌘ + .
Ctrl + .
Subscript ⌘ + ,
Ctrl + ,
Bold ⌘ + b
Ctrl + b
Italic ⌘ + i
Ctrl +i
Underline ⌘ + u
Ctrl + u
Heading 2 ⌘ + Opt + 2
Ctrl + Shift + 2
Heading 3 ⌘ + Opt + 3
Ctrl + Shift + 3
Align left ⌘ + Shift + L
Ctrl + Shift + L
Align center ⌘ + Shift + e
Ctrl + Shift + e
Align right ⌘ + Shift + r
Ctrl + Shift + r
Numbered list ⌘ + Shift + 7
Ctrl + Shift +7
Bulleted list ⌘ + Shift + 8
Ctrl + Shift + 8
Decrease indent ⌘ + [
Ctrl + [
Increase indent ⌘ + ]
Ctrl + ]

Menu shortcuts for Windows

Action Shortcut
Open Insert menu Alt + i
Open Format menu Alt + f
Open Table menu Alt + t
Open Layout menu Alt + L
Open Help menu Alt + h

Menu shortcuts for Mac

Action Shortcut
Open Insert menu Ctrl + Opt + i
Open Format menu Ctrl + Opt + f
Open Table menu Ctrl + Opt + t
Open Layout menu Ctrl + Opt + L
Open Help menu Ctrl + Opt + h
Clear search
Close search
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Main menu
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