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The UN-REDD Programme governance framework builds upon the practical experiences acquired by the Programme since 2008, from internal reviews, to external and independent audits and evaluations, including feedback collected from a wide range of stakeholders at the national and global level.

Governance Hero (1)

The governance arrangements are guided by the principles of national ownership, inclusiveness, transparency, accountability, participation and consensus. They allow for the full and effective participation of all key UN-REDD Programme stakeholders (e.g. partner countries, indigenous peoples, civil society organizations and donors) while ensuring efficient decision-making and clear accountability.


Executive board

The UN-REDD Programme Executive Board has general oversight for the Programme, taking decisions on the allocation of the UN-REDD Programme fund resources. It meets annually, or more frequently as required to efficiently carry out its roles and responsibilities.

For the Terms of Reference of the UN-REDD Executive Board, see Section 4.2 of the UN-REDD Programme Trust Fund TOR.

Executive Board composition

The composition of the EB is as follows:

Representatives (status as in September 2024)

  • UN-REDD donors represented by three members. Current donor members are: Norway, Switzerland, United Kingdom.
  • UN-REDD partner countries represented by three members, one per region. Current country members are: Ghana (for the UN-REDD Africa constituency), Viet nam (for the UN-REDD Asia and the Pacific constituency), Chile (for the UN-REDD Latin America and the Caribbean constituency)
  • Indigenous peoples represented by one permanent observer, currently Red de Mujeres Indígenas sobre Biodiversidad de América Latina y el Caribe (RMIB-LAC)
  • Civil society organizations represented by one permanent observer, currently Red Mexicana De Organizaciones Campesinas Forestales (Red Mocaf)
  • Participating agencies (FAO, UNDP and UNEP) represented by one alternating member (currently FAO).
  • Multi Partner Trust Fund Office (ex-officio)


  • One alternate from a UN-REDD partner country from each of the three UN-REDD regions. Current country alternates are Uganda (for UN-REDD Africa constituency), Indonesia (for the UN-REDD Asia and the Pacific constituency), Costa Rica (for the UN-REDD Latin America and the Caribbean constituency).
  • One alternate from each of the donors not serving as members. Current donor alternates are Republic of Korea, Japan. 
  • One alternate from the CSO constituency, currently The Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC).
  • One alternate from the IPs constituency, currently Réseau des Populations Autochtones et Locales pour la Gestion Durable des Ecosystèmes Forestiers (REPALEF).
  • One alternate from each participating UN organization that is not serving as a member.

We have what we need to save ourselves. Our forests, our wetlands, and our oceans absorb carbon from the atmosphere.  They are vital to keeping 1.5 alive or pulling us back if we do overshoot that limit.  We must protect them.”

Antonio Gutiérrez | UN Secretary

Mihaela Secrieru

  • Programme Management Officer
  • UN-REDD Programme Secretariat

Mario Boccucci

  • Head of Secretariat
  • UN-REDD Programme Secretariat

UN-REDD Executive Board Documents