Drug use treatment and re-integration

The Challenge:

There remains significant scope for reforming drug legislation and improving policies on drug use in Southeast Asia. UNODC works to increase the quality of drug treatment services, with a particular focus on promoting the use of voluntary, community-based drug treatment approaches. In line with the UNGASS 2016 outcome document, action plans to adapt and implement evidence-based approaches to drug treatment and services were approved by the six countries participating through the Memorandum of Understanding on Drug Control in the Mekong Sub-Region.

What we do:

UNODC focuses on assisting Member States in conjunction with regional and national level partners including other UN agencies, particularly the WHO. UNODC has developed a training package on Community-based Services for People Who Use Drugs in Southeast Asia and has begun training healthcare personnel in the region. These materials are now available in Chinese, Burmese, Khmer, Laotian, Thai and Vietnamese.


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Find out more about how UNODC supports Member States to reform drug legislation and improve policies on drug use in Southeast Asia. [Read more]


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Click here to access our latest publications, reports, research and other updates on our work on drug use treatment and reintegration. [Read more]