WeProtect Global Alliance and Thorn launch horizon scanning survey on emerging technologies

We need your input on emerging technologies and child safety 

One of the Alliance’s significant pieces of work this year is focussed on looking at emerging threats to child safety online. We invite experts working in the field to take part in a brief 10-12 minute survey to help identify emerging technologies over the next 5 – 10 years that may pose risks to child safety and exploring how these technologies can also mitigate such risks. The survey is open until 5 August 2024.

About the survey

The excitement surrounding generative AI today is reminiscent of the early days of social media – full of promise and uncertainty. But discussions about the safety of emerging technologies like AI and the metaverse often occur only after these technologies are in use,  addressing consequences instead of preventing harm. To protect children, we need a more proactive approach to get ahead of the curve by considering safety considerations during the development and deployment of new technologies, rather than when harm has already been done.

This survey is part of a joint project by WeProtect Global Alliance and Thorn evaluating critical technology trends and their impact on child safety. We need insights from leading safety experts like you to help in identifying emerging technologies and determining how best to prepare for their evolution. 

How will your responses be used 

Your responses will inform a report examining the risks posed by new and emerging technologies and proactive strategies for child safety. The report will be launched at the Alliance’s Global Summit on 4 – 5 December 2024.

Contact for further information

If you have any questions or need further information about the survey, please contact Shailey Hingorani, Head of Policy, Advocacy and Research, at gro.agtcetorpewobfsctd@yeliahs

Page last updated on 24th November 2024