No Country for Old Men ingelesa (Q611689)

Nabigaziora joan Bilaketara joan
2005 novel by Cormac McCarthy ingelesa
Hizkuntza Etiketa Deskribapena Goitizenak
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    No Country for Old Men
    2005 novel by Cormac McCarthy


      No Country for Old Men (ingelesa)
      2 erreferentzia
      quotation ingelesa
      That is no country for old men. (ingelesa)
      Yeats' Sailing to Byzantium and McCarthy's No Country for Old Men Art and Artifice in the New Novel (ingelesa)
      (see: named after (P138) )
      0 erreferentzia
      0 erreferentzia
      Western novel ingelesa
      0 erreferentzia
      0 erreferentzia
      crime fiction ingelesa
      0 erreferentzia
      19 uztaila 2005
      0 erreferentzia
      Hammett Prize ingelesa
      0 erreferentzia
      0 erreferentzia
      Anton Chigurh ingelesa
      アントン・シュガー (ja)
      4 erreferentzia
      JPNO ingelesa
      quotation ingelesa
      V / p.123 / p.148 / Moss woke ... / My name is Carson Wells. / ... / p.152 / What’s his name. / Chigurh. / Sugar? / Chigurh. Anton Chigurh. (ingelesa)
      quotation ingelesa
      I / p.3 / p.4 / They say ... / ... / Somewhere out there is a true and living prophet of destruction and I dont want to confront him. (ingelesa)
      1 / p.7 / p.8 / 眼は魂の ... / ... / この世界のどこかには 本物の生きた破壊の預言者 がいるんだが ... / 訳者あとがき / p.412 / p.416 / さて本書は ... / ことの性質上、 ...、未読のかたはご注意ください。 / p.419 / 結論はもう ... 、あるいは ベル 保安官 の言葉を借りれば「生きた本物の破壊の預言者」か、 ... (japoniera)
      JPNO ingelesa
      "pure evil"
      quotation ingelesa
      But the character most readers won’t soon forget is the drug dealer and killer Anton Chigurh, pronounced “sugar.” He is, says McCarthy, “pretty much pure evil.” (ingelesa)
      訳者あとがき / p.412 / p.416 / さて本書は ... / ことの性質上、 ...、未読のかたはご注意ください。 / p.419 / 結論はもう ... / ... / ちなみに マッカッシー本人は、ヴァニティー・フェア誌 ... 、シュガー を「純水悪 (pure evil)」と呼んでいる。 (japoniera)
      JPNO ingelesa
      Bonnie and Clyde car (p.40) (ingelesa)
      0 erreferentzia
      wadcutter (bullet) (p.43) (ingelesa)
      nine millimeter Glock (semi-automatic pistol)(p.61) (ingelesa)
      Winchester pump gun (shotgun)(p.87) (ingelesa)
      millfile (mill file)(p.87) (ingelesa)
      Winchester rifle (repeating rifle)(p.72), lever action rifle (p.70) (ingelesa)
      Thumb-buster (Colt Single Action Army)(p.269) (ingelesa)
      number four buck (#4 Buck)(Buckshot)(shotgun shell)(bullet)(p.75) (ingelesa)
      speedloader (p.76) (ingelesa)
      .357 revolver (Colt Python?)(p.145) (ingelesa)
      number ten shot (.410 bore)(shotgun shell)(bullet)(p.199) (ingelesa)
      TEC-9 (submachine gun)(p.209) (ingelesa)
      drum magazine (shotgun with drum magazine)(Moss)(p.19) (ingelesa)
      stunguns (at slaughterhouse)(captive bolt pistol)(Chigurh)(p.5) (ingelesa)
      H&K machinepistol (shortbarreled H&K machinepistol)(Heckler & Koch MP5?)(dead man w/ money)(p.12) (ingelesa)
      drum magazine ingelesa
      stunning ingelesa
      0 erreferentzia
      highway 90 (U.S. Route 90 in Texas)(p.58, p.209), 90 (p.44) (ingelesa)
      route 349 (Texas State Highway 349)(p.52) (ingelesa)
      survey marker (p.58) (ingelesa)
      131 (Texas State Highway 131)(p.161) (ingelesa)
      I-10 interstate (Interstate 10)(Bell)(p.236) (ingelesa)
      cattleguard (cattle grid)(p.19) (ingelesa)
      US 90 (TX) map.svg
      870 × 516; 537 KB
      0 erreferentzia
      redtail (p.45) (ingelesa)
      alameda grackles (p.85) (ingelesa)
      Red-tailed hawk (44371).jpg
      4.608 × 3.456; 15,12 MB
      1.180 × 1.024; 196 KB
      0 erreferentzia
      Mumblety-peg ingelesa
      mumbledypeg (p.48) (ingelesa)
      0 erreferentzia
      preserves (p.50) (ingelesa)
      0 erreferentzia
      feed store (p.58) (ingelesa)
      Kerr's Mercantile (p.91) (ingelesa)
      forceps (p.161) (ingelesa)
      Betadine (povidone-iodine)(antiseptic)(p.161) (ingelesa)
      tetracycline (antibiotic)(p.163) (ingelesa)
      sulfa (sulfonamide drug)(antimicrobial agent)(p.163) (ingelesa)
      epsom salt (magnesium sulfate)(p.165) (ingelesa)
      masonjar (Mason jar)(p.217) (ingelesa)
      0 erreferentzia
      Dodge Ramcharger (p.58) (ingelesa)
      jockeybox (p.59) (ingelesa)
      Bronco (p.60) (ingelesa)
      Buick (p.260) (ingelesa)
      Ford pickup (1978 Ford pickup)(Ford F-Series sixth generation)(pickup truck)(p.210) (ingelesa)
      Plymouth Barracuda (pony car)(Ed Tom)(p.215) (ingelesa)
      overland trucks (p.242) (ingelesa)
      County cruiser (Terrell County cruiser)(police vehicles)(p.243) (ingelesa)
      Erreferentzia bat
      barrial (peatland, mire)(p.60) (ingelesa)
      bajada (p.60) (ingelesa)
      caldera (p.72) (ingelesa)
      floodplain (p.12) (ingelesa)
      3 erreferentzia
      barrial (peatland, mire)
      quotation ingelesa
      1 Spanish / 1.2 Noun / barrial m (plural barriales) bog, marsh, mire (ingelesa)
      quotation ingelesa
      Conservation Basics Conservation By State Texas Soils - Texas / Additional Documents / General Soil Map of Texas (391.56 KB) (ingelesa)
      Maverick County (p.107, p.194) (ingelesa)
      Eagle Pass (p.106) (ingelesa)
      Aztec Theatre (Eagle Pass)(p.114) (ingelesa)
      Maverick County Courthouse (p.107) (ingelesa)
      Hotel Eagle (near Maverick County Courthouse)(p.107) (ingelesa)
      Jefferson (Jefferson St)(p.120) (ingelesa)


      28°45'0"N, 100°19'12"W
      Lozier Canyon (p.67) (ingelesa)
      Sanderson (p.48) (ingelesa)
      Dryden (p.44, p.58) (ingelesa)
      Kerr's Mercantile (Kerr Mercantile building)(p.91) (ingelesa)
      Kerr Mercantile building (ingelesa)


      30°13'48"N, 102°4'12"W
      Sanderson ingelesa
      Dryden ingelesa
      2 erreferentzia
      Lozier Canyon (p.67)
      quotation ingelesa
      Lozier Canyon.Lozier Canyon, through which Lozier Creek flows intermittently, begins in southeastern Terrell County at the confluence of Meyers and Thurston canyons, one-half mile north of Cedar Draw (at 29°59' N, 101°52' W), and runs southeast for twenty-one miles to its mouth on the Rio Grande, three miles west of the Val Verde county line (at 29°48' N 101°48' W). (ingelesa)
      Kerr Mercantile building
      quotation ingelesa
      Terrell County was created by the Texas Legislature by carving about 1,500,000 acres out of Pecos County in 1905. As a result of a county election, Sanderson became the County Seat and business began to grow. Before long, it boasted a number of hotels, a drug store, doctor, a vaudeville theater, and the 3-story brick Kerr Mercantile building. (ingelesa)


      31°2'24"N, 97°28'48"W
      Temple Texas (city)(p.55) (ingelesa)
      0 erreferentzia


      30°46'48"N, 102°43'12"W
      Sheffield (p.52) (ingelesa)
      Pecos River (p.52) (ingelesa)
      Fort Stockton (p.51, p.65) (ingelesa)
      0 erreferentzia


      31°52'12"N, 102°32'24"W
      Odessa (p.49, p.125) (ingelesa)
      Sunshine Cafe (Odessa)(p.126) (ingelesa)
      0 erreferentzia


      30°30'0"N, 100°32'24"W
      Sonora (p.45) (ingelesa)
      0 erreferentzia


      30°29'24"N, 99°45'0"W
      Junction Texas (p.42) (ingelesa)
      0 erreferentzia


      29°53'24"N, 101°9'0"W
      Del Rio (p.82, p.98) (ingelesa)
      Devil's River Bridge just west of Del Rio (p.98) (ingelesa)
      0 erreferentzia
      No me mate (en: Do not kill me)(p.104) (gaztelania)
      Puede andar? (en: Can you walk?) (gaztelania)
      Puede caminar? (en: Can you walk?) (gaztelania)
      Ándale (en: Come along)(p.179) (gaztelania)
      Qué bueno (en: Excellent)(p.179) (gaztelania)
      drogas (en: drugs)(p.207) (gaztelania)
      Migra (en: migrates)(United States Border Patrol)(p.209) (gaztelania)
      Listo? (en: Ready?)(p.214) (gaztelania)
      Agua, cuate (en: Water, my friend)(p.12) (gaztelania)
      Agua, por dios (en: Water, for God's sake)(p.12) (gaztelania)
      Otra (en: Other (other, change of H&K machinepistol magazines)(p.14) (gaztelania)
      En mi bolsa (en: In my bag)(p.14) (gaztelania)
      La puerta. Hay lobos. / ... / Leones. (en: The door. There are wolfs. Lions (mountain lions?))(p.14) (gaztelania)
      0 erreferentzia
      heroin (p.97) (ingelesa)
      black tar (Mexican black tar)(p.97) (ingelesa)
      DPS (Texas Department of Public Safety)(p.97) (ingelesa)
      doperunner (drug trafficking)(p.72) (ingelesa)
      doober (marijuana cigarette)(cannabis smoking)(p.287) (ingelesa)
      0 erreferentzia
      flood back in '65 (Flood in Sanderson (1965)0(p.98) (ingelesa)
      Flood in Sanderson (1965) (ingelesa)
      Erreferentzia bat
      Flood in Sanderson (1965)
      Aftermath of Flash Flood in Sanderson (1965) (ingelesa)


      33°12'0"N, 97°7'12"W
      Denton Texas (p.90) (ingelesa)
      0 erreferentzia
      bonafides (bona fides)(p.251) (ingelesa)
      0 erreferentzia
      blasphemer (p.256) (ingelesa)
      infedel (p.269) (ingelesa)
      rock (Foundation Stone?)(p.123) (ingelesa)
      rock (Cephas (from Aramaic Kepa [“Rock”]; hence Peter, from Petros, a Greek translation of Kepa))(Peter, the Apostle, Saint)(p.123) (ingelesa)
      First Communion (p.178) (ingelesa)
      false god (p.182) (ingelesa)
      Mammon (p.298) (ingelesa)
      mercantile ethics, ever strata (Christianity?)(Loretta Bell)(p.304) (ingelesa)
      St John. The Revalations (Revelation to John)(Loretta Bell)(p.304) (ingelesa)
      2 erreferentzia
      quotation ingelesa
      V / p.123 / We come here ... / ... / The stories gets passed on and the truth gets passedover. As the sayin goes. Which I reckon some would take asmeanin that the truth cant compete. But I dont believe that. Ithink that when the lies are all told and forgot the truth willbe there yet. It dont move about from place to place and itdont change from time to time. You cant corrupt it any morethan you can salt salt. You cant corrupt it because that’s whatit is. It’s the thing you’re talkin about. I’ve heard it comparedto the rock—maybe in the bible—and I wouldnt disagree withthat. But it’ll be here even when the rock is gone. / ... (ingelesa)
      rock (Cephas (from Aramaic Kepa [“Rock”]; hence Peter, from Petros, a Greek translation of Kepa))(Peter, the Apostle, Saint)(p.123)
      quotation ingelesa
      St. Peter the Apostle, original name Simeon or Simon, ... / ... / He received from Jesus the name Cephas (from Aramaic Kepa [“Rock”]; hence Peter, from Petros, a Greek translation of Kepa). (ingelesa)
      Gold Star mothers (p.267) (ingelesa)
      blood oath (United States Armed Forces oath of enlistment?) (p.278) (ingelesa)
      GI Bill (G.I. Bill)(p.195) (ingelesa)
      0 erreferentzia
      cinco peso badge (Texas Ranger Division badge)(p.269) (ingelesa)
      sheriff (p.64) (ingelesa)
      2 erreferentzia
      quotation ingelesa
      p.63 / There's no requirements in the Texas State Constitution for bein a sheriff. Not a one. There is no such thing as a county law. (ingelesa)
      quotation ingelesa
      About Texas Counties > ​About Texas County Officials > County Sheriff / Sheriff Requirements / ... / County Sheriff Qualifications (8) / 8 / Vernon's Ann. Texas Const. Art. 5, §23; V.T.C.A., Election Code §141.001; Local Government Code §85.0011 (ingelesa)
      Ciudad Acuña (p.85) (ingelesa)
      Piedras Negras (p.118) (ingelesa)
      Coahuila (State of Coahuila)(p.118) (ingelesa)
      zocalo (p.118) (ingelesa)
      0 erreferentzia
      Larry Mahans (boots)(p.85) (ingelesa)
      Erreferentzia bat
      quotation ingelesa
      Cowboy Clothes by a Man Who Should Know / By Judy Klemesrud Sept. 12, 1975 / ... (ingelesa)
      Ring magazine (boxing magazine)(p.109) (ingelesa)
      break a horse (horse training)(p.308) (ingelesa)
      0 erreferentzia
      carrizo cane (Arundo donax)(p.117) (ingelesa)
      candelilla (Euphorbia antisyphilitica)(p.11) (ingelesa)
      catclaw acacia (ncbi: 247878)(Senegalia greggii)(Acacia greggii)(p.11) (ingelesa)
      Acacia greggii thorns.jpg
      1.500 × 1.194; 202 KB
      Erreferentzia bat
      quotation ingelesa
      Razing Cane: Research to Rid the Border of Weeds / (May 2007) / ... / Also known as elephant grass, giant reed, or—scientifically—Arundo donax L., ... / It spreads quickly, with underground rhizomes shooting upwards of 18 feet, and it provides potentially dangerous illegal aliens with the cover they need to slip into the United States from across the Rio Grande. It spreads quickly, with underground rhizomes shooting upwards of 18 feet, and it provides potentially dangerous illegal aliens with the cover they need to slip into the United States from across the Rio Grande. It is a major impediment, in particular, to DHS-led operations between Laredo and Del Rio, Texas—overrunning border access roads, reducing visibility, and hiding illegal activities. (ingelesa)
      bubonic plague (p.141) (ingelesa)
      0 erreferentzia


      29°21'0"N, 100°25'12"W
      Brackettville (p.161) (ingelesa)
      0 erreferentzia


      28°51'36"N, 99°45'36"W
      La Pryor (p.161) (ingelesa)
      0 erreferentzia


      29°21'0"N, 99°45'36"W
      Uvalde (p.161) (ingelesa)
      Valdez County (Uvalde County?)(p.165) (ingelesa)
      0 erreferentzia


      31°9'36"N, 98°48'36"W
      San Saba (p.189) (ingelesa)
      0 erreferentzia


      27°44'24"N, 97°31'12"W
      Corpus Christi (p.196) (ingelesa)
      0 erreferentzia


      29°57'N, 98°42'W
      Boerne (Moss)(p.211) (ingelesa)
      0 erreferentzia


      31°27'0"N, 104°31'12"W
      Van Horn (Moss)(p.224) (ingelesa)
      0 erreferentzia


      31°46'12"N, 106°14'24"W
      El Paso (Moss)(p.231) (ingelesa)
      0 erreferentzia


      31°19'12"N, 103°40'48"W
      Balmorhea (Bell)(p.236) (ingelesa)
      0 erreferentzia
      Erreferentzia bat
      JPNO ingelesa
      quotation ingelesa
      訳者あとがき / p.412 / p.416 / さて本書は ... / ことの性質上、 ...、未読のかたはご注意ください。 / 本書は ノワール小説 と呼べるのかどうか、 ... 、ここから面白いことが見えてくる気がするのでちょっと考えてみたい。 / ... / ノワール は定義が難しいようだが、 ...、本書は ノワール小説 の要素を持っている。 (japoniera)
      Erreferentzia bat
      JPNO ingelesa
      quotation ingelesa
      訳者あとがき / p.412 / p.416 / さて本書は ... / ことの性質上、 ...、未読のかたはご注意ください。 / 本書は ノワール小説 と呼べるのかどうか、 ... 、ここから面白いことが見えてくる気がするのでちょっと考えてみたい。 / ... / p.419 / ところで、「社会の闇」と「心の闇」は、人間にとって「内なる闇」だが、「世界の闇」は「外の闇」だ。 / ... / p.420 / マッカーシー の小説は、神話 や ギリシア悲劇 のように、人間と人間の関係や、人間の真理ではなく、人間と世界の関係を描く小説であるように思われる。 / そのことは、 モス がなぜ シュガー に追われることになるのかという理由にも現れている。 / ... / だが、行為の外形から判断すれば、要するに モス は「世界」を甘くみたために罰を受けたと言えるかもしれない。 (japoniera)
