
xSDG Laboratory, Keio Research Institute at SFC

2025/1/9 xSDG Laboratory and the United Nations University will hold a symposium “Towards the SDGs and Beyond: How Can Global Digital Society Accelerate Transformations?” at the United Nations University Headquarters. English/Japanese simultaneous interpretation will be provided.
Pre-registration is required

- xSDG Consrotium “Working group on COVID-19 and the SDGs” “Twelve key strategies to achieve the SDGs based on the COVID-19 experience”, June 2021
- "Japan's SDGs White Paper 2020-2021"(editor: SDGs白書編集委員会), May 2021(in Japanese)
- xSDG Consortium “Working group on the COVID-19 and the SDGs”「コロナの経験を踏まえたSDGs達成へのカギとなる12の⽅策」、March 2021(in Japanese)

Refer here for the other outcomes so far


Kanie appeared as a panelist at the HPLF2024“Science Day”
Summary report, 9 July 2024/ IInternational Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)

xSDG Lab, NIES and IGES held a HLPF side event: "Exploring synergies and trade-offs for transformations to the SDGs and beyond" in New York on July 10th.
YouTube / International Peace Institute

During the HLPF in July, we will hold a side event: "Exploring synergies and trade-offs for transformations to the SDGs and beyond" in New York on July 10th (Host: xSDG Lab, NIES, IGES).

2024/3/18 On March 1st,xSDG Laboratory & the United Nations University held the Symposium 'Accelerating Transformative Actions: The Role of the Private Sector in Sustainable Development'.

Norichika Kanie participated in the Indo-Pacific Leadership program in Honolulu (1/28-2/2) as an advisor.
X(Twitter)/ EastWestCenter

2024/03/01 14:00-17:00 xSDG Lab., and the United Nations University will host a symposium on ‘Accelerating Transformative Actions: The Role of the Private Sector in Sustainable Development’ at the U Thant Hall, United Nations University Headquarters. The event will be held in English and Japanese with simultaneous interpretation of each language.
Please register for the event here.

Norichika Kanie was interviewed by Newsweek Japan. (in Japanese)

Focal Point on the Sustainable Development Goals in Japan was published in the online version of Nature on 22 November 2023.

Norichika Kanie was interviewed by Well-being Initiative. (in Japanese)

An article about the session at the SDG Media Zone in which Kanie participated was posted on Asahi Shimbun Digital【SDGs ACTION!】(in Japanese)

Rescuing SDGs for people and planet, through increased ambition (Japanese language) - SDG Media Zone at the 78th Session of the UN General Assembly

An article about the session at the SDG Media Zone in which Kanie participated was posted on TBS NEWS DIG. (in Japanese)

An Articles related to GSDR were published in Nature.

Norichika Kanie was interviewed by The Mainichi. (in Japanese)

Science for accelerating transformations to achieve the SDGs (Japanese language) - SDG Media Zone at the 78th Session of the UN General Assembly

Kanie will be appearing in a session at The SDG Media Zone.
Programme/SDG Media Zone - UNGA78

JAL, for which Norichika Kanie serves as a sustainability advisor, launched the "Sustainable Challenge Flight" on September 14.
Aviation Wire

An article "What Scientists need to do to accelerate progress on the SDGs" was published in Nature.

The Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR) 2023 was launched.

An interview video of Kanie as the author of GSDR 2023 was published in the UN DESA (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs) newsletter "UN DESA Voice September 2023".

Kanie will be appearing in a dialogue session held at FASHION WORLD TOKYO on October 18.

Norichika Kanie was interviewed by The Mainichi, editorial 3/Sep/2023 (in Japanese)


2023/7/15:Norichika Kanie participated in group discussion on “Activating synergies in the six entry points put forward by the Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR)”, in the special event at the High-Level Political Forum 2023 “Science Day”as a coordinator.

2023/7/14:Norichika Kanie made a presentation “Key messages of the GlobalSustainable Development Report 2023”, in the side event at the High-Level Political Forum 2023 “Youth engagement for systemic transformation at the SDG-Summit: Implementing the Global Sustainable Development Report call to action”.

2023/7/13:Norichika Kanie made a presentation “Transforming Cities into Smart City – Accelerating integrated actions towads achieving the SDGs”, in the side event at the High-Level Political Forum 2023 “Towards Safe, Smart, Resilient and Sustainable Cities under the 203 Agenda”.

2023/7/12:Norichika Kanie appeared at the 6th plenary session of the High-Level Political Forum 2023 “SDGs in focus: SDG 9 and interlinkages with other SDGs – Industry, innovation and infrastructure”as a panelist.
Program(pp.15-17), → VOD

JAL, for which Norichika Kanie serves as a sustainability advisor, has arranged Sustainable Challenge flight during the UN SDG Summit

Norichika Kanie will be participating in the Special event at the 2023 HLPF; Fourth Global Conference on Strengthening Synergies Between the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – Parallel session II ‘Climate action as an avenue for social and economic change – how to get all stakeholders on board?’

Norichika Kanie will be appearing in multiple sessions at the Nikkei SDGs Festival in New Yor

Norichika Kanie previewed the main findings of the GSDR 2023 at the webinar hosted by the SDG Lab, Cepei, and the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) ahead of the HLPF sessions starting from 10-20 July

xSDG Lab., in collaboration with the Daiichi-Life Insurance Company, have created a SDGs Guideline for Small and Medium sized Enterprises, which is now available for viewing/use. Please refer to the following websites for details (available only in Japanese)

New Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) ‘Sustainability Development Report 2023 Implementing the SDG Stimulus’ has been published, and calls for Overhaul of the Global Financial Architecture to Address Chronic Shortfalls in SDG Financing

2023/4/10Norichika Kanie will be appearing as a reference person at the ‘Research Committee on Natural Resources and Energy, Sustainable Society’ at the House of Councillors, The National Diet of Japan
For the webcast, please visit

2022/9/30 SDSN Networks in Action 2022 has been published. The activities of SDSN Japan (Program Chair: Norichika Kanie) are as introduced in pages 56-57.

2022/9/14 Norichika Kanie will make a keynote speech at the upcoming SDG Business Forum (21/Sep/2022, Online) Session III Business Practices to Leave No One Behind – Deep Dive on Migrants and Refugees

2022/9/5 Keio University SDGs Conference -2022 Summer Camp- was held on August 31st.( in Japanese)

2022/8/30 「An article about the "Nikkei SDGs Fes" xSDG・Lab planning cooperation session 'Is Transformation for Sustainable Consumption and Production Possible? Challenges in Food and Fashion' was published in Nikkei Shimbun and Nikkei BizGate.(in Japanese)

2022/8/29 An interview with Norichika Kanie was published on the Nikkei BizGate.(in Japanese)

2022/2/17 The xSDG Consortium 2022 Research Proposal released.(in Japanese)

2022/3/4 The Japan SDGs Action Forum will be held (March 29th 2022). (In Japanese)

2022/2/25 The report about SDGs was released by Shizuoka City.(in Japanese)

2022/2/18 The symposium of kick off about the COI-NEXT project will be held (March 5th 2022, Norichika Kanie appears).(In Japanese)

2022/2/1 The symposium about sustainable company management will be held (March 7th 2022, Norichika Kanie appears).(In Japanese)

2022/1/31 The interview of Norichika Kanie has been released by the Anderson Mori & Tomotsunehas.(in Japanese)

2022/1/17 Norichika Kanie joined in the "SDGs ROUND-TABLE TALK"(WEB version)by the AERA dot., Campus AERA.(in Japanese)

2021/11/24 The annual report "SDSN Networks in Action 2021" was published by the SDSN Global.
- SDSN Networks in Action 2021, SDSN Japan, pp.62-63, November 2021
- SDSN Networks in Action 2021, SDSN Japan, November 24th on 2021

2021/11/16 The result of the contest "SDGsクリエイティブアイデアコンテスト2021" announcement.(In Japanese)

2021/10/28 Published survey results on the 2021 japanese general election and SDGs (in Japanese)

2021/10/22 The press briefing by the Foreign Press Center Japan will be held (November 4th 2021, briefing by Norichika Kanie).(In Japanese)

2021/10/15 The webiner about VNR will be held (October 27th 2021, Norichika Kanie appears by video message).(In Japanese)

2021/10/13"2023 Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR) Call for Inputs" and the questionnaire for collecting input information in Japanese(DEADLINE: 1 November 2021)(in Japanese)

2021/10/5 Norichika Kanie supervised "SDGsのうた" that is the song by the NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation).(In Japanese)

2021/10/1 Norichika Kanie supervised the TV show about SDGs by the NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation).(In Japanese)

2021/9/28 2023 Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR) Call for Inputs


One of the key dimensions of the SDGs lies in the innovation of various efforts by different entities through decentralized coordination of autonomy. Through “Crossing” various activities, such as efforts by private and public sectors, consumption and investments, IoT, with the SDGs, holds great potential in realizing true sustainable growth; hence “xSDG (cross SDG)”. The xSDG Laboratoy aims to address and realize diverse social problem solving through the angle of the SDGs, and to do so conduct research in a much broader solution based research methods that go beyond academic research, to make and cumulate the best practices of the SDGs.

What are the SDGs?

What are the characteristics of the SDGs? How they will be handled and evolved in the future? What governments, companies and local governments are doing in relation to the SDGs? What is expected for us individuals in realizing the SDGs? – all these questions will be answered!

What is the 2030 Agenda?
SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) 17 goals 169 targets indicators


  • Norichika Kanie
     Professor, Graduate School of Media and Governance
  • Keisuke Uehara
     Professor, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies
     ICT & SDGs
  • Fumitoshi Kato
     Graduate School of Media and Governance,
     Professor, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies
     Local revitalization & SDGs
  • Sunwoo Kang
     Project Research Associate, Graduate School of Media and Governance,  Policy and SDGs
  • Hiroko Kuniya
     Project Professor, Graduate School of Media and Governance
     Implementation of SDGs, Outreach of laboratory research results, Research communications
  • Mari Kosaka
     Project Associate Professor , Graduate School of Media and Governance
     School of Humanities and Culture, Department of Human Development Course of Human Welfare Environment, Tokai University
     Company and SDGs
  • Shinya Sakuma
     Senior Researcher
     Local government & SDGs
  • Cosmo Takagi
     Project Research Associate, Graduate School of Media and Governance
     Local government and SDGs
  • Hiroya Tanaka
     Professor, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies
     Digital fabrication & SDGs
  • Masatoshi Tamamura
    Professor, Faculty of Policy Management
     Local revitalization & SDGs
  • Tomoyuki Furutani
    Professor, Faculty of Policy Management
      Statistics & SDGs
  • Jun Murai
     Professor, Keio University
     IoT & SDGs
  • Shun Kawakubo
     Associate Professor, Keio University
     Sustainability Design / SDGs / Built Environment
  • Kanako Morita
     Associate Professor, Keio University
     Humanities & social sciences / International relations
  • Rika Ikeda
     Researcher Cyber Civilization Research Center (CCRC), Global Research Institute (KGRI), Keio University


  • Masahiro Kawatei
     Good Story Lab.
  • Kazuhiko Takemoto
     Project Professor, University of Tokyo Institute for Future Initiatives / Secretary General, SDSN Japan
  • Tokutaro Hiramoto
     Associate Professor, Kanazawa Institute of Technology Representative, KIT SDGs Center
  • Soichiro Moridaira
     Professor Emeritus, Keio University
  • Tarek Katramiz
     Professor,Shibaura Institute of Technology
  • Contact/Access

    xSDG Laboratory, Keio Research Institute at SFC
    Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus
    5322 Endo, Fujisawa-shi, Kanagawa, 252-0882 Japan

    Email: xsdg[at]