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Bible EvidenceBible GenealogyMt SinaiOld Testament BibleHoly MountainThe Holy MountainMount SinaiThe Ten CommandmentsBible Study HelpBible sleuths 'find Mount Sinai where God handed Moses the Ten Commandments'BIBLICAL archaeologists have claimed to have located the holy mountain where the Bible says God gave Moses two stone tablets inscribed with the Ten Commandments. They believe features and archaeolo…907
Biblical EvidenceBible EvidenceQuick View BibleAnti ChristianityWord Of FaithHistorical BooksBible FactsCold CaseBible TruthIs There Any Evidence for Jesus Outside the Bible? | Cold Case ChristianityThe ancient non-Christian interpretations (and critical commentaries) of the Gospel accounts serve to strengthen the core claims of the New Testament.134
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Bible GeographyBible NerdCovenants In The BibleBible EvidenceBible TimelineBible MappingBible TopicsBible Study TopicsBible Study HelpWhat Is the Significance of Mountains in the Bible? - Busted HaloMountains have a logical religious symbolism for Jewish and Christian cultures since they are “closer to God” who dwells in the heavens (as in the sky).1.6k
Christian ItemsBible EvidenceScientific FactsGospel TractsBible TopicsBible Study TopicsBible Study HelpBible HistoryBible Study NotesScientific Facts in the BibleDoes the Bible tell us about the earth's free float in space and the laws of thermodynamics? Does it also speak of ocean currents and the hydrologic cycle, blood clotting and quarantine, as well as many other incredible scientific truths written thousands of years before man discovered them?3.2k