Developer Resources
See also Development.
Client libraries
- libcoverart
- Our C/C++ development library geared towards developers who wish to add cover art capabilities to their applications.
- See also official alternatives and third-party alternatives.
- libmusicbrainz
- Our C/C++ development library geared towards developers who wish to add MusicBrainz lookup capabilities to their applications.
- See also third-party alternatives.
- libdiscid
- Our C library for creating MusicBrainz disc IDs from audio CDs.
- See also language bindings and third party alternatives.
- (a fork of lalinsky's one)
A full list of users with the bot flag can be found on
Developer documentation
- MusicBrainz web API
- The REST-based webservice API for direct access to MusicBrainz data with output in XML and JSON (Please review the libraries above before writing your own implementation).
- See also: MusicBrainz API/Examples
- Search requests and Indexed Search Syntax
- XML RelaxNG schema
- Release Editor Seeding: Providing programmatic information to the release editor (from another site or an application), the closest we have to an edit API as yet
- (internal) JS autocomplete API
- Server setup
- The MusicBrainz Server is not available as an executable application. Setting up the server will require you to checkout the source code and follow the INSTALL file's instructions.
- The MusicBrainz Database contains all the metadata information available on and it's free for anyone to download and make use of it (and we encourage this!). Setting it up will require access to a PostgreSQL database. See instructions from server setup or use third-party [1].
- Server environment variables that may prove useful
- Search Server Setup and Search Indexer Setup if you're brave enough to want to try.
- Embedded metadata
- Picard Tag Mapping: The documentation for how Picard maps concepts to tags; useful if you want to use these tags elsewhere, or if you'd like to follow the same standard.
- Communicating with other developers
- IRC: Here's where you ask questions of real live people, if anyone's awake. You love it, you know it.
- Forum: And here's where you ask if we aren't awake, or for anything style-related or needing more consideration than can be easily given in IRC.
- MusicBrainz Summits: These happen occasionally, and people get together and talk about MusicBrainz. You should consider coming! Even if not, the discussions had here are sometimes important, and might be worth perusing.
- The Musicbrainz bug tracker