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Appkit Cocoa - NSCoding decoding error - NSCocoaErrorDomain 4864

I'm having some trouble with NSCoding, I have this simple "Grade" class: @interface Grade : NSObject<NSCoding> @property (copy) NSString *name; @property NSInteger grade; @end It ...
IRP_HANDLER's user avatar
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Appkit & Cocoa - How to support editing for a view-based NSTableView? [duplicate]

So I have a view-based NSTableView whose contents are stored in an NSMutableArray. Basically I created a table view in the storyboard and inserted a control of type "Image and Text Table CellView&...
IRP_HANDLER's user avatar
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Cocoa - Block implicitly retains 'self' - Different solutions

So I have this snippet here which involves a block: NSArray<Class> *acceptableClasses = @[[DesktopEntity class]]; __block NSInteger insertIdx = row; [info ...
IRP_HANDLER's user avatar
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Can't change the font size of an NSTableView

I'm following this code here where I have an NSTableView that displays the folder name as a group header and then the contents of the folder below, for this example these are all images. So like, ...
IRP_HANDLER's user avatar
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How did developers implement Auto Layout in the old days?

These days, we implement Auto Layout using NSLayoutConstraint. However, this has been available only since iOS 6.0 and Mac OS X 10.7. Before iOS 6.0, layouts had to be adapted to resolutions like ...
Jinwoo Kim's user avatar
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How can an application check if it has permission to control another application through AppleScript without blocking?

I'm writing an AppKit macOS application that will use AppleScript / Apple events to automate another application. I need to know ahead of time whether or not my app has permission to do this for the ...
Bri Bri's user avatar
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NSWindow with SwiftUI content has zero frame on macOS 15

As title says. I create a window as such: onboardWindow?.setFrame(.init(x: 0, y: 0, width: 600, height: 400), display: false) Then, when it's time to show: let contentView = WelcomeView() let ...
Vojta Böhm's user avatar
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Cocoa App trying to display document icon despite not being document based

I'm working on a Cocoa/AppKit Mac app, and after customizing the File menu items (save and new), I now get a blank document icon on my app. My app is not document based however, so it simply displays ...'s user avatar
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Xcode downloads client crash report but the stacktraces don't contain any of my app's symbols

All the threads only contain system calls. The crashed thread only contains a single call to my app's code which is main.swift:12. What could cause such a crash? Process: MyApp [83642] ...
Nickkk's user avatar
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Can't get NSTrackingArea enabledDuringMouseDrag to work

I'm trying to implement a right-click-and-drag operation to link two NSViews, in a very similar manner to creating constraints in the Xcode Interface Builder. I want the target NSView to respond to ...
Gannet's user avatar
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NSTitlebarAccessoryViewController State Restoration Timing

I am using NSTitlebarAccessoryViewController objects in my Cocoa app. I have implemented state restoration for the NSWindow and it appears to be working correctly as previous NSWindow objects along ...
user10711707's user avatar
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Crash in AVPlayerView.setPlaybackControlsViewController

A user of my app, which shows subtitles loaded from a text file on top of a video loaded from another file, reported that it crashes within minutes of launching it. The user confirmed that the crash ...
Nickkk's user avatar
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How to properly replace NSTextView's string when used with bindings

I have issues with string replacement when there are newlines. How to properly replace string or part of a string so that bindings are triggered. I have used open func replaceCharacters(in range: ...
Marek H's user avatar
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NSPageController to navigate in vertical direction

I am working MacOS application which has a menu on the left and panels on the right switches back and forth as we select a menu. I would like to achieve the panel switching logic with NSPageController....
Kyung Lee's user avatar
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How to get macOS wallpaper image URL which respects the current color scheme?

I am looking to get the URL of the current wallpaper image on macOS, which also takes the current color scheme into consideration when using wallpapers with a different appearance based on the active ...
Kushagra's user avatar
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