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VBA for Word code that removes paragraph rules and replaces them with cell borders

I'm trying to write some code that will replace certain paragraph styles that have a bottom border (in tables) with other paragraph styles that have no bottom border but a cell border instead (if that ...
user27166708's user avatar
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I want copy the paragraph that a comment has been added to in Word and put into an Excel table

I found a really simple macro in LinkedIn, from 'Harriet. L', to look at the Comments in a Word document and create an Excel table showing the 'page, author, comment text & date created' for each ...
Richard Crabtree's user avatar
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Select and copy all paragraphs in selection range word macro

I need all paragraphs that are selected and not even completely selected to be selected and copied. I just wouldn’t like to select them completely with the mouse and copy them. I know how to select ...
Alexey's user avatar
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New paragraph alignment style

As you know, Word offers several paragraph alignment options. When aligning a paragraph to both sides, (CTRL+J), all lines (except the last) are attached to the left and right margins. The last line ...
mordechai asher's user avatar
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VBA to highlight all paragraphs with direct (non-style-based) formatting

I would like to write a VBA macro that highlights all paragraphs that have any kind of formatting applied, causing those paragraphs to not match their style. Then I want to highlight in a different ...
skewray's user avatar
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Comparing the first paragraph of two documents

I'm trying to compare the first paragraph of two files with identical contents. One is the active file, one is a specified "Reference File." The two ranges I'm using to store the contents ...
Pieces's user avatar
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Change cross-reference text in middle of the text to lowercase using showfieldcodes

I want to change all the cross-reference text that are in middle of the text to lowercase, but not the ones at the beginning of a sentence. The problem is that ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(row).Range....
Loveb's user avatar
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How to Identify Paragraph that has a Duplicate?

I'm trying to identify paragraphs (first instance) in a Word document that have a duplicate (second instance). This code identifies the second instance. I'm trying to highlight the first instance in a ...
Seth Strickland's user avatar
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Is there any possibility for document paragraph-level tagging and filtering, e.g. by VBA or C#?

The MS Word document has the ability to mark tags at the file level, which can be used from Windows Explorer to make it easier to search for files by document’s tags. Is there a similar feature in MS ...
Vitalii's user avatar
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Locate Vertical Position of the end of a Paragraph

I'm trying to insert a vertical line on the left hand side of a paragraph that has been selected. I can easily find the vertical position of the start of the paragraph using ".Information(...
Pete Rowland's user avatar
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VBA WORD: find a paragraph that has a specific style

I am trying to write a code in VBA, where I will get the number of a paragraph that will have a specific style (let's say Heading 1). I am going through a loop and unfortunately I am getting such an ...
John Snow's user avatar
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Paragraph type in VBA

I try to run the following code: Sub Para() Dim objParagraph As paragraph Set objParagraph = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(1) objParagraph.Alignment = wdParagraphAlignment....
fonzane's user avatar
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How to add spacing before first line of paragraph in VBA?

I'm trying to add spacing before one paragraph in word document that is being automatically generated. I only need spacing before first line of that particular paragraph. Problem is in next line after ...
Matiss Zuravlevs's user avatar
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VBA Word - iterate through all paragraphs in document in reverse

Problem in short: I need to iterate through all paragraphs in reverse order. I am currently using a For Each loop: For Each Paragraph in ActiveDocument.Paragraphs ' looping code Next Why I need ...
Harrison Vince's user avatar
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Is there a way to have a macro remove all paragraphs of a certain type?

Im creating an invoice Word Template on basis of Words Mail Merge. I get the necessary information via .csv file from a web application and create a table based on these informations. The data is ...
Grim's user avatar
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