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What is breaking the tooltips in this Quarto dashboard?

I have some sparklines embedded in html tables in my reports. I have been experimenting with using Quarto dashboards now for my reports. However, the width of the sparkline tooltip text blows up to ...
Arthur's user avatar
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Interactively select which columns are displayed

I am using reactable to generate a table in a quarto document. There are a bit too many columns. So I am thinking of displaying a few by default and then allow the user to change that if needed. I am ...
mindlessgreen's user avatar
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how can I change the data in a reactable table inside Rmd using javascript only?

I have created an .qmd file in R which contains a table created using the excellent reactable package. How can I change the data contained in this table using only javascript? I know that something ...
michael's user avatar
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quarto - reactable output not shown if followed by other output

I have a function which produces multiple tables, e.g. one a reactable, the other the simple printout of a dataframe. When using the function in a quarto document and rendering it, the output of the ...
zoowalk's user avatar
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Incorrect figure position when rendering a html file with Quarto

Using Quarto Markdown in RStudio, I'm trying to position a figure (ggplot2 barplot) to the right hand side of a table (reactable). When I render the page (to html), the figure is displaying to the ...
Beatdown's user avatar
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