Ancient Web Browsers | tweedy
This is an archive of the very earliest Web browsers — the true pioneers, the Old Gods, the Ancients:
WorldWideWeb, LineMode, Viola, Erwise, Midas, TkWWW, Samba, Lynx, w3, FineWWW
This is an archive of the very earliest Web browsers — the true pioneers, the Old Gods, the Ancients:
WorldWideWeb, LineMode, Viola, Erwise, Midas, TkWWW, Samba, Lynx, w3, FineWWW
Martin gives a personal history of his time at the two CERN hack projects …and also provides a short history of the universe.
This is a wonderful presentation by Kimberley at O’Reilly’s Fluent Conference, running through the history of the Line Mode Browser and the hack project we worked on at CERN to emulate it.
A love letter to HTML, prompted by the line-mode browser hack event at CERN.
This is what I’m working on today (where by “working on”, I mean “watching other far more talented people work on”).